Join the Good Enough to Grow community

Have you read the story of an army about to cross a bridge?  The captain tells his soldiers to walk out of step with one another because if they're all in sync, the momentum will make the bridge wobble.  People moving together in a group, create a massive force, strong enough to move a bridge.  People connecting with each other to empower individuals to feel good about themselves can create a huge amount of positive energy, strong enough to blast away the forces of hate, discrimination and judgement. 

The above story illustrates the value of individuals coming together to feel 'Good Enough to Grow'.  We hope you will join our community and become an active member by completing the below form and questionnaire.

Join the tribe image 2.png

Please complete the form below

One More ThinG

We want 'Good enough to Grow' to reflect the principles of our development methodology and embrace commitment, courage, curiosity and compassion to grow and reflect the needs of our members.

As one our potential new members we would be grateful if you could complete this questionnaire.  Your answers will help us to build this community and to continue the journey of writing new and exciting chapters for our members' life stories.  Thank you.