Our Methodology

At Good Enough to Grow, we have designed our personal development methodology to reflect our own experience.  We have used ourselves as guinea pigs in the laboratory of life to research what works and what doesn't.  We aspire to help people who discover our methodology and connect with it on a deeply personal level.  Belief in our methodology is critical to achieving successful results. 

Our personal development methodology is based on five core principles:

  • Growth is available to every individual, because all human beings are worthy of achieving their potential.

  • Growth is possible when an individual willingly steps out of their comfort zone.

  • Growth is sustainable when an individual feels 'good enough' in the present moment.

  • Growth is a source of physical, emotional, intellectual and spiritual well being.

  • Growth is not a finite resource. It exists in abundance and should be shared with others.

introducing your four Growth MINdset 'super powers'

Having a growth mindset is the magic ingredient when dealing with unhelpful thoughts, feelings and behaviours during periods of study and when sitting exams. At Good Enough to Grow we focus on four attitudes that experience has shown us are common in those people who achieve healthy, sustainable growth and exam success.  We call these four attitudes your 'Mindset Super Powers'.  Injecting these super powers into your mindset will cause a chain reaction of change which will enable you to move outside your comfort zone, where all growth and success lives.

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Commitment is the first and most important of the four mindset super powers. It is the source of all your effort to achieve your desired goals. When effort is combined with purpose and discipline you can achieve exceptional levels of commitment. To flourish during long periods of study, including demanding exams, you need to put all your effort into your course, remain disciplined in following your study plan and have a strong sense of purpose for completing the programme.

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Courage is the mindset super power that enables you to leap outside your comfort zone, where growth and success live. Pushing yourself to your limits to achieve results in an exam takes a lot of bravery. It means staring down the risk of failure. When you can get comfortable with discomfort, be resilient to pressure and remain true to who you are you will find the courage to tackle any challenge you encounter during your course or your exam.

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Compassion is the mindset super power that is used least by students during intense periods of study and stressful exams. Compassion is a source of positive energy and recharges your mind when it’s running low on fuel. Compassion is an antidote to your inner voice that is constantly telling you that you’re going to fail or that you haven’t worked hard enough. Compassion enables you to be focussed in the present moment and examine your study progress in a non judgemental way. It is a source of kindness that helps you to take pride in your efforts and abilities, without the need for recognition by others.

Curiosity in the mindset super power that fuels learning, development and growth. It is the catalyst for asking questions in class. It is the desire to know the unknown. Engagement during your study requires you to be open to new ideas, concepts and techniques. You must learn to absorb knowledge and integrate it with other skills to produce value in your exams and your work. Curiosity will keep you asking the questions ‘Why do I need to know this?’ and ‘How can I apply this knowledge and experience to add value to my life?’

Introducing the three stages for growth

All growth is a result of learning and development.  Our experience of working with individuals and organisations, over 22 years, tells us that learning and development is a process made up of three key stages; a FOUNDATION of knowledge, REFLECTION upon strengths and areas for development, ACTION to acquire skills and experience.  We apply these three stages to each of the Mindset Super Powers to develop and strengthen them until they create momentum for growth towards achieving your personal and / or professional goals.

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Without a solid foundation, you will have trouble creating anything of value.

Understanding how your mind works (and the relationship between your thoughts, feelings and behaviours) is the foundation for building a growth mindset to achieve your full potential while studying for your exams.


We do not learn from our experience, we learn from reflection on our experience.

To succeed in your exams you need the self awareness to examine your progress and identify areas for further development. Applying a growth mindset to your study routine will ensure you welcome regular feedback on your performance and focus your efforts on the hardest aspects of the course.

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You are what you do, not what you say you’ll do.

Attempting questions for homework, asking for help from a friend or a tutor and refusing to quit when you fail an exam are all examples of taking action to move forward with your study. A growth mindset will enable you to keep focussed on taking action rather than making excuses for not achieving your goal.

Introducing your Good Enough to Grow satchel

Experience has taught us that everyone is different and therefore we learn and respond to learning solutions in a variety of different ways. The more you can personalise your learning experience to meet your needs, the greater the likelihood of success. At Good Enough to Grow we encourage you to choose a combination of learning solutions that you connect with on a practical, intellectual and emotional level. Our workshops, 1:1 coaching sessions and on line learning draw from a large satchel of tools, habits and experiences which you can try out until you find the right combination that works for you.



We give you access to a variety of tools that you can apply to your study routine to target and remove unhelpful thoughts, feelings and behaviours. You can strengthen your courage using visualisation techniques to combat a negative, inner voice. You can upgrade your commitment level by defining your purpose for study. You can tackle your fear of failure with compassion, using thought records.


Habits are auto pilot routines that your mind carries out on your behalf, often without you knowing about it. Habits are the most effective way of shutting down unhelpful thoughts, feelings and behaviours before they take hold. We enable you to identify your unhelpful thoughts, feelings and behaviours while studying and replace them with habits that are healthy and result in actions that move you forward.


Your own experiences are what make you different. We believe our community of students can benefit from your unique perspective. You can also benefit from the experience of our community. We encourage you to draw from your own experience of studying and sitting exams to add to the volume of existing knowledge about growth. We believe that collaboration rather than competition is the way forward for learning